May 7-9, 2024
Vancouver Convention Centre | Vancouver, Canada

Altek Supply

215 Booth Number

3635 - 78 Ave
Edmonton, AB
T6B 3J9

Altek Supply distributes a wide range of high-quality industrial products from leading brands and provides technical support to the Oil & Gas, Mining, Refining, Chemical, Water, and Wastewater Industries. Altek Supply maintains over $50 million in inventory with an extensive range of low emission Valve Products and proven Corrosion Prevention Products such as Protective Liquid Coatings, Tank Linings, Cathodic Protection, Petrolatum Tapes, Abrasives, Primers, Sealing and Molding Products, and Outerwraps.

With more than 500 years of combined technical sales & industry experience, we help bring energy to markets quickly, safely and responsibly by partnering with leading manufacturers committed to the highest quality and delivering superior customer experience.

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